Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen (by Graham Greene)

The short story called “The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen” takes place in a restaurant and whose characters are a woman who is a writer, her fiancé and japanese gentlemen and the omniscient narrator who is aware of everything that happened in the story, especially the characters’ behaviour.

The lady was a person who only cared about her future, her job as a writer and how much she is going to be paid for her publications. Her fiancé is a man who was worried about saying nothing that her girl would take ofensive. Finally, we can see a group of Japanese gentlemen whose language is illegible but the narrator knew about their manners by noticing the way they smile and bow to each other. At first, they seemed not to be important in the story, but at they end they helps us to determine the behaviour of the lady whose interest in her job was more important than the rest of the guests in the party, especially the Japanese gentlemen. By this I mean that these gentlemen were noticed by everybody except for the lady who was interested in her job as writer. They were like “invisible” for the lady, which is the reason of the title of the story.

1 comment:

Sergio said...

Hi Seba, thanks for posting. And yes, sometimes we don't realize what's happening in the world. In my opinion, the idea is to try to observe what surrounds us as much as possible. That helps you have a more active participation in society. Being critical and having the capacity to observe, according to my standpoint, is synonym of intelligence.
Good luck!