Monday, September 1, 2008

Shelley & Frankenstein: Knowledge Comparative Framework

One of the most famous novel written by Mary Shelley is Frankenstein. Shelley wrote this novel based on researchs she made which are related to sciences, literarure, poetry etc;, plus her own context and experience. Her life was overwhelmed by financial, social and familiar problems, which she wanted to express, somehow, in the novel.
For example we saw that in the novel there’s a monster who learned by himself in a context in which he felt lonely. So did Shelley. Actually she learned about sciences, literature, etc, by herself in order to create the novel. What I impressed most about her is the fact that this woman showed her desire to acquire knowledge by reading books in times of isolation from the rest of the people. "My education was neglected, yet I was passionately fond of reading. These volumes were my study day and night" (Shelley, 2)


Bárbara Medina said...

Dear Sebastian,
I agree with you about that Mary Shalley wrote Frankenstein basing on her experience. In efect, there are a lot of signs which represent Mary's life, as you said her education and her feelings of loneliness. For that reason, I think that maybe Frankestein is or represents Mary's feelings about how she preceived her society and people who were around her.
Bàrbara M.

Clau said...

Sebastian, I agree with what you said and I also think that what Shelley had to live made her the writer she was. Experience is a good factor....

Claudia Trajtemberg said...

Hi Sebastián,
The quotation you´ve chosen for your reflection speaks for itself. Good choice. Actually, it´s very impressive that M.Shelley devoted herself to study with such determination, don´t you think?

The fact that she was sort of self-educated, and read the classics and more on her own, while she also listened to the very conversations that surrounded her while she lived with her father, makes us draw some parallelisms between Mary and the way the creature educated himself.

You´re very right in that she was influenced by her own experience, loneliness, financial and family problems, and probably by scientific progress at the time she wrote the novel.

Yet, it is impressive that her novel is so contemporary, don´t you think?