Monday, October 27, 2008

“A room of one’s own” (by Virginia Woolf )

During the presentations we were analysing an interesting essay written by Virginia Woolf called “A room of one’s own”. Through this essay, Woolf describes the difficulties that women had to express themselves because they did not feel integrated in a society mostly “commanded” by men. Besides, the women who work as novelist were not taken into account in a chauvinist society. That is way there were few female writers. Woolf wanted to demonstrate that women have the same right as men. Another problem for women was that men were against women suffrage, because they considered that women did not have the right to earn money and using it without their husbands’ permission.

In my opinion, the title of the essay tells that women as writers need a space to think and be inspired when they write poems in order to publish them without limitations. Women need to be taken into account in the society.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Analysing Kubla Khan (S.T Coleridge) (Correction)

In the poem, Kubla Khan, the elements of nature are described, such as river, hills, gardens, and so on. Here, the author wanted to represent “external nature and human thoughts affection”. The mention of a savage holy and enchanted place and its relationship with the characters in the poem, is a good example of it.
The inclusion of a maid playing her instrument shows a part of the characteristics of Romanticism: the need to free men from oppression. The woman in this poem might play music as a way to get rid of bad feelings that oppressed her.
The poem is also a simple one, because each line is adaptable for readers to comprehend the main idea of the context in the poem. Most of the lines have a meaning which can be able to move readers’ feelings and affections. For that reason, each line of the poem can produce a feeling of sadness in expressions like “sunless sea”and a “lifeless ocean” It can also produce happiness in expressions like the miracle of “a sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice”.

Shelley & Frankenstein: Knowledge Comparative Framework (correction)

One of the most famous novel written by Mary Shelley is Frankenstein. Shelley wrote this novel based on researchs she made which are related to sciences, literarure, poetry etc;, plus her own context and experience. Her life was overwhelmed by financial, social and familiar problems, which she wanted to express, somehow, in the novel.
For example we saw that in the novel there’s a monster who learned by himself in a context in which he felt lonely. So did Shelley. Actually she learned about sciences, literature, etc, by herself in order to create the novel. What I impressed most about her is the fact that this woman showed her desire to acquire knowledge by reading books in times of isolation from the rest of the people. "My education was neglected, yet I was passionately fond of reading. These volumes were my study day and night" (Shelley, 2)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

T. S Elliot's Poem: "Waste Land"

Elliot’s poem collection, “The Waste Land” is mostly related to nature. However, it is not a beautiful nature, but a sad one. Actually waste land means a lonely devasted land without any life. One quote that called my attention is the one from one of the poems of the collection, “ The Burial of the Death” is expressed as follows:“And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief, And the dry stone no sound of water”. That sentence is closely related to death nature. Another piece of poem, “Death by Water” talks about the death of sea animals. The most common problem is polluted water in which these animals die.
The picture, which is next to Elliot’s photograph, shows two persons surrounded by garbage, which reminds us that one cause of “death nature” is pollution that is caused, in many cases, by ourselves. People can be, therefore the main cause of waste land.