Tuesday, October 7, 2008

T. S Elliot's Poem: "Waste Land"

Elliot’s poem collection, “The Waste Land” is mostly related to nature. However, it is not a beautiful nature, but a sad one. Actually waste land means a lonely devasted land without any life. One quote that called my attention is the one from one of the poems of the collection, “ The Burial of the Death” is expressed as follows:“And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief, And the dry stone no sound of water”. That sentence is closely related to death nature. Another piece of poem, “Death by Water” talks about the death of sea animals. The most common problem is polluted water in which these animals die.
The picture, which is next to Elliot’s photograph, shows two persons surrounded by garbage, which reminds us that one cause of “death nature” is pollution that is caused, in many cases, by ourselves. People can be, therefore the main cause of waste land.

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