Monday, October 27, 2008

“A room of one’s own” (by Virginia Woolf )

During the presentations we were analysing an interesting essay written by Virginia Woolf called “A room of one’s own”. Through this essay, Woolf describes the difficulties that women had to express themselves because they did not feel integrated in a society mostly “commanded” by men. Besides, the women who work as novelist were not taken into account in a chauvinist society. That is way there were few female writers. Woolf wanted to demonstrate that women have the same right as men. Another problem for women was that men were against women suffrage, because they considered that women did not have the right to earn money and using it without their husbands’ permission.

In my opinion, the title of the essay tells that women as writers need a space to think and be inspired when they write poems in order to publish them without limitations. Women need to be taken into account in the society.

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